First time I created a blog was back in the late 90’s. I sat with notepad and hardcoded every single page with html. No fancy fonts, no digital camera – only computer generated images (a lot of clipart and gif’s). I spent hours on end to see how far I could push the few html tags that were available at the time. It was simple, it was basic, and it was a lot of fun.
Since then things have changed and somewhere along the way the fun with creating websites disappeared for me. I’ve tried multiple times to come back to it because I missed blogging, but every time I got so fed up with the constant fight against overly complex tools and web standards that kept changing.
I’m not saying that things were better back then, but the simplicity of it all made it a lot easier to just jump in and have fun creating. But here I am, 25 years later, with a brand spanking new wordpress blog. Thinking back with nostalgia whilst trying to embrace what is.
So am I having fun? Well, building this website has definitely had its ups and downs. But it feels really good to get back to blogging again and sharing the things I make and create.
I’m not really sure what happened in the final week of december but out of the blue I got the feels and finished several projects.
Lap quilt sewn with a hand cranked Singer 128k

First I picked up a project I started about a year ago. It’s a quilt I’ve done with my old hand cranked Singer 128k. It’s completely done on that machine. First project I’ve finished in a long time. And I’m really pleased with it. The fabric is from a charm pack I bought 15ish years ago.
English paper pieced hexagon sewing machine cover

After that I instantly picked up another old project. This is a project I began 8 years ago. An english paper pieced hexagon sewing machine cover. It’s for my old hand cranked sewing machine. I’m really pleased with how it turned out. But to be honest, if I never see another english paper piecing project again, I won’t be sad.
Love Notions Timbre peasant top

I’ve had my eyes on sewing Love Notions Timbre peasant top for a while now. I had done a muslin and was ready to sew. But when it was time to start something weird happened. Instead of doing it on my sewing machine, as planned, I for some reason decided to hand sew it.
This is my first garment I’ve ever hand sewn. And I really enjoyed it. The whole process was very meditative.
The fabric is from a cheap cotton duvet cover. I flat felled all the internal seams. It took me about 4-5 days in total. And this is something I will 100% do again. I’m already planning my next one.
2025 – What’s next?
A new year, a new blog… a new me? It feels like everyone is setting big intentions, chasing lofty goals, and reinvent themselves to glow up and enter their “new era” of awesomeness.
Me? I’ve decided to kind of do the opposite, I think.
In 2025 I want to do more of the things I really enjoy – the things that makes me feel good. I want to slow down, and be more intentional with my energy and time, and focus on living a good and simple life.
Consume less – Create more.
And I want to share all of that here on the blog.
So, here’s to 2025. Let us fill it with all the things that make our hearts sing and our souls happy.